Expanding Consciousness: A Journey with
Psychedelic Medicine

To expand our minds, we first need to recognize that we are more than just physical beings—we are energy fields, magnetic and dynamic. Although most of us can't see these energy fields, they are always present. We all have come here with a purpose, a calling to be something great in the world. We also all have very different paths to follow and how we walk our path is a choice, free will so to speak.. As life unfolds, we sometimes lose sight of that purpose, attracting and/or blocking energies and establishing limiting belief systems that don't align with our true selves. This creates a constant tension between our ego and our spirit-our true self we came here to be!

We all radiate frequencies, emanating from our chakras, which if you don’t know are the seven energy centers within the body. Whether these frequencies are blocked or fluid, they project our vibrations we send out into the universe. This energy can either align us with our higher purpose or pull us away from it. The expansion of our minds can become more magnetic to what we’re meant to attract if we are open in these centers.

If we don’t let go of any limiting beliefs and work on the subconscious programming then we can get stuck, acting out in negative ways from triggers, fears, and such creating an anxious, uncomfortable, and even painful feeling in the body. Much of what we experience today stems from our subconscious, which drives 95% of our reality, rooted from our past experiences, beginning from any kind of childhood trauma we may have experienced. If we’re going to heal and align, we need to work on this subconscious layer, the source of so many of our triggers and setbacks. If you need help with this & want to know more, I’ll have some links in the show notes for further exploration…

As we do this work, we become more magnetic, drawing in what truly aligns with our purpose and expanding consciousness in ways that bring us closer to the Creator~Nature & to our Own Inner Power. This journey strengthens us to fulfill our unique mission here on Earth. There is one an essential question to ask yourself?..what Energies are you surrounding Yourself with? The people we hang out with and communicate with, the music we listen to, the media we consume, the vibes we are filling our time in space with—>do they resonate with your higher purpose? Are these aspects in your life in alignment or are they holding you back from becoming your best Self?

This is an important time in history on the Planet here that we have all known to be our Home.

~Let’s Explore into other ways that we can Expand Our Minds~

These days we are in, can either be pure stress or what I’m beginning to realize Pure Light! I see everything now as a choice. When you get to a certain age in life this becomes clearer than ever as you start to lose years of your Earth experience. My own journey has not been an easy one, someday I may tell this story…I have decided though for now that I am here for a reason. Once when I was in an Ayahuasca ceremony, her medicine spoke to me, saying to remember who I am. I wasn’t sure what she meant exactly, but it gave me a reassurance to keep on my spiritual path of creating my purpose here. Since, I have had many “psychedelic experiences”, which I am grateful! This type of plant medicine, which offers a psychedelic (root meaning> mind manifesting or soul revealing) trip into consciousness is truly healing. There is endless research being done, dating back to 1938. The psychedlic timeline begins in 8600BC in the Guitarrero Cave in the Ancash region of Peru, contained a high concentration of pollen and a few fragments of the mescaline-bearing cactus known as San Pedro.  These specimens provided the earliest evidence of humans intentional use of psychedelics.

My first psychedelic mushroom aka psilocybin experience was around 1990. Out of around 20 journey’s, only one I would say wasn’t pleasant. There are many factors that play a role in what kind of journey you will have. First is dosage. Dosage is important while some types/genus’ are more potent than others as well. This depends on location, harvest, and other factors…Also, your current state of mind plays a key factor in how your vibe will be during your journey. I recall the one ‘bad trip’ I had was during a break up w/my college boyfriend. Never again have I eaten psilocybe’s while not in a positive state of mind! Higher dosages should always be guided with an experienced companion, or healer/shaman. Paul Stamets recommends a list for your trip consisting of “20 sacred items for the sacred mushroom expedition”. This sounds amazing and I would love trying this suggestion. It is also very important to be in a nice peaceful high-vibe setting, preferably outdoors in Nature. Just remember: Set & Setting~

Psychedelic mushrooms have other components besides “psilocybin” that help with strength and activation. Two of these are Psilocin and Baeocystin. Following a meaningful ritual and having intention around healing some aspect of your being will be of greatest value in your experience, especially a positive and inspiring one. There are many who are finding help with serious(some lifelong) conditions, specifically mental and spiritual. One way of achieving this gain can be through “micro-dosing” for periods of time. Others choose to take a stronger dose under supervision, which can help the benefits last longer without consumption. This is absolute positive healing with little if any side effects. Do your research! It’s becoming legal and there are different varieties as well as diversity in whatever type of healing journey you’re in need of. I believe in the fact of fungi or wild mushrooms being literally connected to Mother Earth more than anything else on the Planet! In this way they are messengers not only to life of the earth, making bio-spherical connections to heal whatever they can, but also to healing our bodies once they are inside Us. They carry magical medicine on every level: Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual. If only We all could use these precious gems in helping our journey Be more Healthy.

So, I could say my own journey of expanding consciousness began at this young age. In the early 90s, psychedelics entered my life. At that time, I was not particularly self-aware or conscious; it was just something people did, especially at events like Grateful Dead shows! Those early experiences were fun indeed, only once I witnessed a friend go through a rough experience with on LSD, he took way too much and was probably not in a great state of mind going in..and none of us really knew how to support him, but he was fine. We were young, before my twenties, pre-motherhood.

Nowadays, psychedelics are gaining broader recognition as therapeutic medicine. I’m glad to see this happening and appreciate the continued research. Using psychedelics in a controlled, clinical setting can be highly beneficial, especially if one is working through any kind of serious mental health challenge. Although, as seen with cannabis, I’ve seen how an influx of interest from professionals and companies can sometimes prioritize profit over genuine healing. It’s my hope that professionals approaching this as work see themselves as teachers(Root word of a doctor is teacher) helping others understand this medicine, its purpose, and how it interacts with the mind and body. I’ve always strongly felt that the best healers have genuine experience with the medicine they are practicing.

Reflecting on my own experiences, I can say that psychedelics have taught me the importance of "set and setting."-I’ve learned this Respect! I had only One negative experience with psilocybin that stands out, where my mental state and environment were far from ideal. I was young, going through a breakup, and wasn’t surrounded by supportive people. That trip was challenging, leaving me feeling isolated. Later, I had a similar experience with cannabis(a few times with this medicine) when I unknowingly consumed a potent edible, expecting just a regular cookie. That surprise dose was overwhelming, amplifying the importance of being mindful about one's environment and mindset before diving into any psychedelic journey.

During my early & young years of being a mother, I took a long break from LSD & Psilocybin, giving myself space to approach the medicine later on in my life with more intention. As my kids grew into adults, I felt my freedom arise again to dapple in this medicine. This is when I really discovered the mind expansion & connection to source or GOD that psychedelic plants give.

Again, I will state that no joke, we are obviously in some serious times on this planet. There is a Revolution beginning! I feel it! Do you feel it? What are you wanting to create? Are you needing a shift in energy? Experiencing psilocybin alone will change your life, possibly in many ways. Microdosing(consuming small amounts each day that you barely notice~subtle&potent reset:)

Thích Nhất Hạnh once stated “We are all Connected, We must Learn to Live Mindfully, to Touch the Peace Inside of Ourselves.”

Psilocybin is about reconnection.

A psychiatric Dr. Benjamin Lewis from Huntsman Mental Health Institute(TedX-09/2023) calls it “an emerging treatment”. He’s doing studies on patients treating them for Depression from Cancer to Covid-19 Burnout and the challenges that arise. Symptoms ranging from grief, depression, anger, hopelessness, and isolation. Research is showing that the mushrooms compound chemicals reveal aspects of the mind in our brains that we otherwise can’t access, offering significant changes to Our Consciousness…
this is real & it’s now scientific!

Meditation is the last practice I musn’t leave out! Tapping into your being with creator aka meditating is truly the best thing we can do on this planet. This is giving time with your true self, listening to what’s really going on inside. Taking time for you and connecting within, finding your breath, becoming aware again. As we practice, hopefully daily, we are expanding consciousness & it’s as easy as 5 minutes/Day! The more you do this, you will begin to feel the results in your health & well-being. Your life will begin to shift. It doesn’t take long-give it a try! I love to meditate when I practice my asanas-yoga poses & pranayamas-breathing patterns. But, honestly anytime & almost anywhere meditating can be done & is essential to ultimate health.
Connect w/God-source of your Light…Become your Best Self!

If you are reading this, then you part of a tribe of humans that are striving for a better world for future generations. I welcome you to join me & others as we gather together & fight with our conscious love to create sustainable solutions & wellness for one another to Heal what’s left…


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