Meditations for Anytime

Be still and calm like a Praying Mantis, Meditating on the Change you want to See in the World~

Be still and calm like a Praying Mantis, Meditating on the Change you want to See in Your Life & the World~

Deep Meditation Sounds for balancing chakras using your own healing energies…Just Breathe into your Being relaxing in a quiet comfortable space. Be aware of any tensions in your body & release every one with each Exhale. Inhale Love & Light!! 30 mins

This guided meditation w/Deepak Chopra shares how to live carefree. Only 15 mnutes!! Learn to let go, Love & return to your true being, know how to be Well~

Breathe Deeply…

Take this time for YOU! You are very special and have much to give, especially when you fulfill yourself first. Only then can you Be your Best and Shine Brightest in the World. Feel all the amazing Benefits of Meditating, your Whole Body will Thank You(:

More guided meditations

Master Ziva Meditation Goddess, Emily Fletcher explains the many ways meditating can benefit you!! I follow her Podcast, Why isn't Everyone doing this & Love what she has to say, she also has the best guests on her show..

meditate anywhere connecting to source and highest self love.

This is a short guided meditation from myself here for everyone to Injoy.

Give yourself Love..

This meditation is simple, spontaneous & here for you anytime to be grounded in Life.