1) Donate to BGO: Bee Girl Organization works hard every day for bees->very small grassroots nonprofitcentered on bee habitat conservation through research, regeneration, art, & education. envisioning afuture where bees and people thrive in pastures of flowers. Goal is to regenerate bee, soil, and human communities through research projects, art projects & education programs.
2) Plant Flowers: Access to a yard or garden (even a window box, or planter)??
3) Put that spray bottle down: Even “organic” pesticides can kill bees dead.
4) Buy local honey – Be sure you’re getting what you pay for: Watch out for labels that say “raw, local,pure, etc.
” There is no regulating body that defines and enforces these catch phrases, so find beekeepers by reputation or at farmer’s markets, or find their honey at conscious shops :)
5) Support farmers and ranchers that practice sustainable and regenerative agriculture: Vote with your fork! Know where your food comes from!
6) Water your bees: Bees need just as much water as nectar and pollen in the hot seasons.
7) Provide bee shelter: Beyond food and water, bees need somewhere to live. You could become a beekeeper, or simply install a “native bee hotel” in your yard.
8) Support good policy: Read beyond the headlines and go to draft language at your local, state, or the national level, and support policies that will help bees by sending letters and making phone calls to your lawmakers. They want to hear from you!
9) Don’t be afraid: Bees only eat nectar and pollen, and they are not interested in fried chicken or BBQ sauce. Some solitary bees like male wool carder bees and carpenter bees are territorial and can be aggressive, but no male bees have stingers!! Just let them go about their business, pollinating flowers,
and watch where you step when you’re barefoot in the yard.
10) Share what you know: Bee-come an advocate for bees! Share this & find more from www.beegirl.org/helpourbees