These short videos are casual fun & simple sessions from my house deck 2020, currently new videos from 2024 here soon as well as on my YouTube channel @belovehealing
Yoga Flow~
Greetings, come join me in this very casual high-vibe Yoga, short Asana sequence that can be practiced anytime…remember poses can be held for longer, just keep breathing!
Namaste~Be Grateful
These videos are casual, wear comfortable clothes and injoy yoga anytime w/music. Most will have guided instruction. Always remember to breathe throughout & rest after doing multiple asanas.
I Love Yoga. I Love Music. This video is one of many I will share. More videos & content available on my YouTube channel @belovehealing
Yoga is such a life saver for me, without this practice I would be lost, my health would be suffering. It is so important to do as many asanas in your day as possible. I will be showing you my favorites, exercising every part of the body & moving the spine in all 6 directions. Keeping the spine fluid will help us to stay young longer(:
My Yoga Practice and Experience extends over 20 years. I received my first YTT in 2014 (200 hour) based on Iyengar/Hatha led by Amanda Serene Dozal in Nevada City, CA. I also have studied Kundalini Yoga for over 18 years and taken many other workshops, including Pelvic floor training in Yoga (Leslie Howard in San Francisco).
Morning Meditation
Beginning each day with meditation will help to feel grounded and peaceful going into your day that may be stressfull, resulting in less stress which will improve overall health. Benefits include: lower blood presser, lower inflammation(less pain and disease), aging slows down!! THIS IS PROVEN SCIENCE(:
I will either display my favorite meditation recordings I have found or I will be live with you(once/week) on my instagram @consciouswellbeing.
More meditations: Click for more…
““Do not pursue the past. Do not lose yourself in the future. The past no longer is & the future has not yet come. Look deeply at life, just as it is arising, in the very here & now. Recognize it, invincible, unshakable. Care for it with your heart & mind.”
~Morning Deck Yoga Practice~