
Truly Healing Mango Lassi!

This anytime meal has been a sweet delicacy in India for ions and now is popular all over the world! It’s a traditional Indian drink that’s yogurt based and blended with water, spices, sugar, fruits and nuts. This delicious drink is prepared in different variations. Origin of lassi can be traced back to the lands of Punjab in India. My version is less sweet, not watered down, sugar & nut free. Also, can be made w/any type variety of yogurt(: 

Place all ingredients into your blender for about 3 minutes & Whoalah! Top with sprinkles of cinnamon, cardamom, & a mint leaf~

  • Ingredients: makes 2 servings

  • 2c Yogurt of choice, I choose low-fat plain-Organic(:

  • 1c Mango, chopped w/o skin, fresh or frozen

  • 1/2t Cardamom powder

  • 1/4t Nutmeg or Cinnamon(optional)

  • 1t raw Honey(optional)

Mangoes growing in the tropics..

Loaded with Vitamin C, B-6 & Fiber!!!

Cardamom pods

Seeds are inside ground into sweet fragrant spice that aids in digestion, immune system support & has antimicrobial actions..

Final Notes…

This smoothie is good source of protien, calcium, probiotics, aids in digestion, so good w/other foods and stand alone anytime, will bring satisfaction unless you are allergic to mango? Skin is related to poison oak family…


Check me out on social media for more lifestyle and food tips! IG@conciouswellbeing