Healthy Strong Immunity
We all need to take care of ourselves better right? There are so many ways to do this, here I will go over simply some of the best proven herbs and fungi to help boost your immune system and ward off the viruses that will ail us if we let them! First I’ll go over the one’s that my family has personal experience with or that I have recommended to others that have helped…
GARLIC, aka nature’s Penicillin, is a common food, in the onion family, known also as an “herb” to be a strong natural anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and expels parasites when used properly. It’s active component is allicin which is a natural antibiotic. 1 mg of Allicin is equal to 15 standard units of Penicillin. It also contains more Germanium than any other food. Russia has found garlic to retard tumor growth in humans. It’s active against harmful bacteria including staphylococcus and E. coli. Good to take for all diseases, including contagious disease.
My own experience using garlic has been very positive in fighting infection, such as streptococcus. Used many times as an alternative to conventional antibiotics with success. One proven and tried remedy for any Sore throat is to mix a tsp raw honey w/1/4tsp raw grated Garlic & 1 tsp lemon juice. Ingest off a spoon and let trickle down your throat. This method is very satisfying and starts working immediately. Other nutrients Garlic contains in small amounts are Protein, Phosphorus, Potassium, A, B Vitamins, C, Calcium, Sulphur, Selenium, Germanium, Allicin, Chlorine, Manganese, Zinc, Copper, Iron, Lutein + Zeaxanthin, and Enzymes.
ASTRAGALUS Membranaceus or Propinquus (Huang Qi) is another herb with a long history as an immune enhancing tonic. There is even some evidence to suggest that Astragalus increases production of stem cells. In addition, it has been shown to increase leukocytes, interleukin-2, macrophage (immune cell) numbers and activity and the general immune response. This is an herb that can be safely used long term. Astragalus is used for deep immunity, if you have a compromised immune system or seem to catch every virus going around, this herb can really help build your immune system! It is a root and it tastes quite good when chewed, drunk as a tea or added to soups. It’s also used in Chinese medicine for Spleen deficiency, treatment of Kidney inflammation, which will help general fatigue and regulate blood sugar levels.
My experience has been taking this herb for deeper immunity as I have struggled with low white blood cells most of my life. It has proven to be helpful when taken daily over a period of time, at least 2-3 months or more. Recommended by every Naturopath and Acupuncturist I’ve seen over the years.
ELDERBERRY or Sambucus has been used for centuries for it’s use as a cold & flu remedy. Loaded w/anti-oxidants which help with inflammation and has been proven for it’s anti-viral properties and immune boosting effects. These berries taste delicious, especially when made into a syrup by simmering on low heat for about 45 mins. Use 1c filtered water to 1/4c dried organic elderberries, and an optional addition of 1/2t ginger, star anise or cloves in a covered s/s, glass or ceramic pot over lowest heat, may also use double boiler method(best to prevent burning or evaporization)
Strain into glass jar, stir in 1/2c raw local honey & seal w/tight lid. Use one Tbsp at a time or 1tsp for young children. Good for 6 months if stored in cool place. Also, fantastic on pancakes, waffles, and french toast! Enjoy :)
Experience has shown that this herb/berry has helped many w/immunity, respiratory infection, prevention & healing.
OLIVE LEAF or Olea europaea studies show some potential activity towards the influenza virus. Research suggests that olive leaf extract may reduce the infectivity and inhibit the replication of viruses that cause colds, influenza and lower respiratory tract infections. Olive leaf extract has been shown to stimulate phagocytosis, which may enhance the body’s response to a viral infection.
Experience has shown that extracts sprayed on sore throat is very effective as well as taking atleast 500mg/daily for 4 weeks or more greatly improves immune function. I personally have noticed my immune system being stronger when I’ve taken this amount for a month or more.
OREGANO or Origanum vulgare extract has been shown to have anti-microbial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal properties. This medicine is very strong, so use with caution as oregano extract can burn and even kill good bacteria if taken in high doses for too long. It definitely is very helpful in warding off viruses and unwanted bacteria, great as an anti-fungal for Candida, Warts, etc. Also used as an excellent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, and contains anti-cancer compounds. Short term use is recommended. Not to be used during pregnancy.
Experience best short term, 2-4 weeks to boost immunity and ward off diseases. My favorite quality brands are Gaia Herbs in capsule & American Spice in liquid(best as only smaller doses needed to be effective).
ANDROGRAPHIS or andrographis paniculate is well known in India as the “King of Bitters”. It’s another so called do-everything herb with uses ranging from Lyme’s disease to arthritis. It protects the liver by reducing damage of toxins, in a similar way to Milk thistle; stops pain, preserves joints; soothes digestive symptoms by balancing pH levels and by being anti-inflammatory; protects heart by relaxing blood vessels; preserves cognitive health by it’s adaptogenic effects; and especially boosting Immune Defenses against viruses and bacteria. Andrographis has risen to treat extremely difficult conditions such as HIV and Herpes viruses, research has shown. Clinical studies show this herb reduces cold and flu symptoms.
Experienced from taking as recommended by N.D. to fight off HPV. This virus disappeared after 6 months, also took Mushroom combo & Enzymes, combined of course w/healthy organic diet.
**Other Supplements helpful in treatment of viral activity and Immune function are as follows…
COLLOIDAL SILVER should be in a pure, metallic silver, in particles of 15 atoms or fewer, each with a positive electric charge. These electrically charged particles of silver are extremely small, usually ranging from about 1-10 Nanometers (0.001 to about 0.01 microns) in diameter, and are suspended in pharmaceutical grade water. The force of the electric charge is stronger than the force of gravity, so the silver particles remain suspended. The color tinge of colloidal silver is an optical effect resulting from the quantity of atoms per micro cluster. As a rule, the higher the concentration of colloidal silver, the darker the color of the solution - a dark yellow or brownish amber color being the highest quality and concentration. It is nonaddicting, the body does not build up tolerance to it and studies show that properly prepared colloidal silver is not deposited under the skin like other silver compounds. Example of a good choice would be Silver Wings, although I also really like Sovereign Silver.
Effects are quite promising as positive experience with helping rid infections of the throat & nasal passages. Also, may assist with ridding body from parasites. May be used externally for burns and scrapes w/Aloe Vera.
MUSHROOMS & FUNGI are fascinating facilitators of wellness. There is much research being done and many published studies on efficacy in the healing of various ailments. Some of the best choices for the Immune System that are fairly to readily accessible are Reishi or Ling Zhi which acts as a biological response modifier on the immune system by stimulating macrophage production of interleukins, activating the host’s production of T-cells, and even tumor necrosis factors. This one is definitely anti-viral both from the fruiting bodies and the mycelia. Also, active triterpenoids that are naturally anti-inflammatory help with asthma, bronchitis, and allergies. One study showed complete relief after just 2-4 wks of taking Reishi for allergies. Another is Agarikon has been used for centuries for the treatment of lung illnesses like pneumonia and tuberculosis. Described “traditionally by Polish peoples” as a treatment against coughing illnesses and asthma. Also, used for bleeding, infections, and inflammation. Known as the “elixir of long life” by the Greek physician Dioscorides described in the 65 A.D. Materia Medica. According to Staments, Agarikon has similar benefits to Olive Leaf. Turkey Tail or Trametes Versicolor has anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-tumor properties as well as being a powerful immune enhancer. It contains “PSP”(polysaccharopeptide) which is an anti-viral agent and a classic biological response modifier, inducing gamma interferon, interleukin-2 and T-call proliferation. Turkey tail is used to treat a wide variety of cancers. Shitake is one of the most popular and most studied of the fungi kingdom, remaining center of research since late 60’s. It’s polysaccharide, lentinan is instrumental in activating a host mediated response. Macrophages respond to it and then stimulate lymphocytes and other immune cell defenses. One or more studies have found that Shitake extract enhances the production of normal white blood cells, leading to phagocytosis. Shitake’s anti-viral activity is proven effective against both HIV and Herpes viruses. Extensive anti-bacterial properties protect us from harmful bacterias. Another added benefit is it significantly inhibits the growth of yeast like Candida albicans when extracted from it’s fermented mycelium. Also known to protect your liver and lower bad cholesterol. Wow, amazing this one is readily available to us! Check out my delicious recipes (click here) borrowed from Tero Isokauppila’s book, Healing Mushrooms~
**There are a few mushroom species that are toxic, even fatal, SO BEWARE!! The one in my photo is even Suspect..Be sure to do your own research & buy from a reputable source. Some I recommend are HealthForce, MyCommunity aka HostDefense, and Four Sigmatics for instant mushroom coffee that is smooth, tasty, and strong!